A brief glossary of Kiwi jargon...
Boot -- Trunk (of a car). As in: Holly--"Should I close the trunk?"; Robyn--"Oh, hahaha, that's so cute! You say 'trunk'!"
Chch -- Short for Christchurch, NZ's third largest city, and the biggest city on the South Island
Cheers -- Pronounced "chiz", like a slurred version of Cheese-whiz. All-purpose word of greeting, thanks, and general expressions of goodwill.
Roundabout -- Circle (as in, traffic circle). Actually, I don't think this is a problem for anyone but me, because New Jersey seems to be the only place on the planet that we call them circles.
Ta -- Thanks
Tea -- Rarely: the actual beverage. Frequently: a meal, the temporal position of which is generally determined by context clues, but sometimes specified, as in "evening tea".